Rex Rabbit Fur Plates


SKU: PARENT-2121985949793 Category: Tag:


Rex Rabbit Fur Plates

Gorgeous natural short hair rex rabbit fur plates are perfect as rugs, throws or to add warmth to any room or anything. Rex rabbit is obtained by removing all the guard hairs leaving only the soft and supple rabbit fur. Rabbit fur is commonly used to make garments, accessories, and decorative items. Fur plates can be sewn into clothing, coats, or used for fur trimming.

No Shedding, Soft & Luxurious, Excellent Quality

Size: 41″ x 21″

White, Black, Grey and Chinchilla look

These beautiful plates are ready to be shipped same day as ordered.

Fur is a sustainable, respectful and even luxurious material for clothing, accessories and art in indigenous culture. We believe it’s important to preserve fur’s place in Indigenous cultures and traditional economies.


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